During a morning jog on Thursday, I was able to find the location of the Royal Pacific Hotel, where Jon and I stayed when were we were in (around?) 2007. More importantly though, I also found the tailor shop where I had a set of tails made. Noting the location in my “mental GPS,” I planned to return and order a tux to replace the one with the scratched satin lapels (thanks to Willy and PJ!).
That afternoon, I visited the site of the HK Cultural Center, where the symphony, opera, art museum and science museum are located, and which overlooks the always stunning harbor. Since the art museum is always closed on Thursdays, I took in the science museum instead, and can attest that the tall red chairs in the IMAX-type theater are MOST comfortable (zzz…hint hint 😉
That evening, I observed the choir's rehearsal for a major performance to which it was contributing the next day. Following that, it was another late evening dinner (these places are so tasty, but wouldn't catch your eye if you didn't have a local to guide you to them). We even made a stop at a typical Chinese tea house for herbal-keep-the-doctor-away tea.
My school visit on Friday was at the Lau Kam Lung Secondary School for girls, a private Buddhist school with a temple just outside, and a beautiful shrine in the mutlipurpose room.
The students' ability to adapt to some the crazy things I had them doing (singing while “throwing frisbees,” siren-like sighs and more) was most impressive. They were working on Eric Whitacre's challenging SEAL LULLABY, and I was impressed with the progress they showed!