Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 at 9:20 pm
Indy Choir
From time to time, we welcome guest bloggers to the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir blog. Different perspectives, unique thoughts…they make for an interesting read, no doubt. This blog post is brought to you by Dr. Janet Hock, an alto who is in her second season with the Symphonic Choir. Orpheus, looking back to check on his… Read More
Monday, January 25th, 2016 at 8:05 pm
Eric Stark
Holst’s THE PLANETS, being performed this coming weekend by the Symphonic Choir and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, lies a bit outside the mainstream when it comes to works for choir and orchestra. Calling for women’s voices only, Holst saves the choir until the very last seconds of his sprawling symphonic tour de force. Though the full… Read More
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 at 5:46 pm
James Plenty
The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra announced its 15/16 season today, and the Symphonic Choir is pleased to be a part of multiple performances with our closest artistic collaborators. (This list includes performances for which the Symphonic Choir is the guest chorus of the ISO. A complete listing of all 15/16 Indianapolis Symphonic Choir performances – including… Read More