Friday, February 26th, 2016 at 10:21 pm
James Plenty
While there’s no magic solution to fix every problem in our community, in the classroom, in the world, I think choral music might be one of our best bets. A valuable step in the right direction no doubt. The Symphonic Choir’s annual Gala Bel Canto is just over a week away, and the one-night event… Read More
Saturday, February 21st, 2015 at 7:05 am
Indy Choir
Yes, you likely know something about the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir’s annual Gala Bel Canto. It’s one of the best parties in the city. It raises just over 10% of the income needed for the entire season in just one night. It’s unique in that it includes not just a dinner and silent auction (like many… Read More