Singer Spotlight: Love At First Note

Some of the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir’s 201 volunteer singers have found much more than a passion for performing through their choral involvement in the Choir. With Valentine’s Day upon us, we’d love to share the story of Rick and Carol Thorne. As Carol says, “Rick and I never would have met were it not for the Indianapolis Symphonic… Read More


As you can see from the accompanying photo, we are excited to have copies of the piano vocal score of our new work, ZABUR, by composer Mohammed Fairouz. Though we only received the second half of the work a few days ago, we have already read through the entire thing. Wow! It is powerful…beautiful…haunting…compelling. The… Read More

ISO Announces 15/16 Season Including Choral Works

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra announced its 15/16 season today, and the Symphonic Choir is pleased to be a part of multiple performances with our closest artistic collaborators. (This list includes performances for which the Symphonic Choir is the guest chorus of the ISO. A complete listing of all 15/16 Indianapolis Symphonic Choir performances – including… Read More

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